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Key Manager Key System
Secure Key Management for All Automotive Dealerships 

 Click for Key Manager Info Brochure  

Affordable solutions
for your key problems!

We offer an affordable solution to protect and organize your valuable keys with precise accountability at a affordable low cost 


Key-Manager Innovative Mechanical Key Systems

Key-Manager Mechanical Key Management Systems

Key Manager innovative mechanical key management systems provides users friendly key control solutions for, car dealerships, and other types of businesses that require an organized key solution. The key/keys to your facilities and business are one of its most important assets. Without access to your keys you cant control your business and vehicle keys and other assets. The secured key management system provides the perfect solution by giving you the highest  level of control and security for your valuable vehicle keys. With our Key Manager automotive key systems, management and staff will always know who has removed the vehicle keys and who the users are that have the key/keys etc. This saving a lot of time if another user requires a certain vehicle key or keys that are not in the cabinet or wall board key management system ...Learn More Click to View Brochure

Key-Manager is Extrimely Easy to Use

The way our Key Manager mechanical key systems work is an authorized user with their assigned access ID key peg enters their user ID key peg into the key lock holder with the vehicle key/keys they require once the user ID key peg is inserted into
the key lock holder the required keys are then released. When the user returns the vehicle keys they would insert the key peg holder with the attached keys back to the key lock holder, the key lock holder would than release the users ID key peg.       


Key-Manager Will Control and Secure All of Your Valuable Vehicle Keys

Key-Manager Secures Keys and Helps
Prevent lost sales from lost or misplaced keys
Secure keys and protect your valuable inventory
Control key access to vehicles on your lot
Track 24/7 of who removed the vehicle keys 
Eliminate costs for replacing lost keys & key fobs
Reduce liabilities for theft and insurance costs
Increase productivity & responsibility of key users
Save more money, spend less time on key control

Available Wall Boards and Cabinet Style Key Management Systems 

Key-Manager Mechanical Key Systems

Key-Manager mechanical key systems are available as wall boards or optional cabinet style with locking cabinet lock, The kwy wall boards are availble in 10, 25, 50, 100 or 150 key slot capacity. The cabinet style key systems are availble in 50, 100 or 150 key slot capacity With each Key-Manager key systems they come complete with locking key pegs, tamper tag key seals, user ID access pegs, and a one year warranty ...Learn More  

High Quality Original Genuine Key-Manager Accessories and Supplies

Key-Manager Original Accessories / Supplies

We carry a large inventory of high quality Key Manager supplies and accessories of Key storage locking pegs, Users ID access pegs, Tamper proof key seals, Locking key holders, etc. We are one of North America's exclusive largest most complete supplier of Key Manager key systems, Orders are normally shipped out the same day ...Learn More Click to View Info Brochure

Loss Prevention for Dealerships! Ever lose a sale because a key couldnt be found? Let Key Manager innovative automotive key systems cure your key  management issues in your business organization. Key Manager is a key management system that tracks and secures keys, it comes with control tools to help you keep costs down!


Please contact us for more info and pricing on our key management systems, solutions and products Please Click to Contact Us Now